Friday Q&A: Back to School!

Compositions II by Roy Lichtenstein*
Q: For many of us, although the new year technically begins January 1, the end of summer and “back to school” season feels more like the beginning of the new year. The end of summer is when we get excited about working on new projects or changing up what we’re doing, as if we were starting a new grade. In fact, we originally started our blog at the beginning of the fall, in September 2011. And, now, as we move into another fall, we’re looking at what might come next for us on the blog. Because we’re writing this blog for you, we thought we should just go ahead and ask you what you’d like to see us tackle as we move into our fifth year of blogging.

A: Leave your suggestions for us in the comments section of this post (see How to Comment) or on our Facebook page (see We look forward to hearing from you! —Nina